Perspective - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 2

Microbiome as therapeutics in synthetic drug delivery system
Dawson Jack*
Department of Drug Toxicology, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany
*Correspondence: Dawson Jack, Department of Drug Toxicology, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany, Email:

Received: Jun 03, 2022, Manuscript No. IJBPR-22-67713; Editor assigned: Jun 06, 2022, Pre QC No. IJBPR-22-67713(PQ); Reviewed: Jun 20, 2022, QC No. IJBPR-22-67713; Revised: Jun 27, 2022, Manuscript No. IJBPR-22-67713(R); Published: Jul 04, 2022, DOI: 10.35248/2287-6898.22.11.2718-2719


The term “micro biome” describes a biological community of pathogenicity and symbiotic bacteria that is essential to both human health and sickness. The idea of new drug delivery methods in particular drug-delivery methods is receiving a lot of attention. The delivery of micro biomes is one area in which this new technology has begun to broaden its application. This brief study emphasizes the importance of using vesicular systems such as nanoparticles and liposomes to host and transport the micro biome in order to treat a variety of disorders. This study will be useful for understanding and exploring the new opportunities in the field of vesicular delivery system as a carrier for microbial distribution for both physiological and pharmaceutical chemists. The micro biome is made up of all the parasitic, neutral and pathogenic communities of microbes that are present in almost every region of the body including the epidermis bodily fluids, endocrine organs and respiratory tract among others. These microorganisms may be bacterial, viral or eukaryotic in nature and may be advantageous to humans or destructive. These organisms have a significant impact on metabolism, and immunity. Due to the micro biome’s inherent capacity for production and delivery of cell therapy compounds, which are either naturally produced by this microbial community or can be made to start releasing particular agents when modified by using various bioinformatics tools and approaches, new advances in synthetic biology technology have created a new platform where the bacteria can be used as a potential drug delivery applications. Microbial community therapy is recommended to be used for patient diagnosis depending on the severity of the disorder. It has features and benefits toward interactional variability, the capacity to stay stable in the biological environment the ability to maintain its function in the presence of native enzymes and more. The benefits of generating these treatments include targeted drug delivery, low dose therapeutic administration lowering side effects, non-invasive distribution and creation of numerous therapies by the same cell upon mutation of the carrier system. Additionally, manufacture is economical. Numerous studies on the micro biome have demonstrated its use in a range of illnesses and demonstrated that it can be used to predict the course of diseases like cardiovascular events. The metabolism may be impacted by the gut micro biota in a number of ways including (modulating the synthesis of various vitamins including B12) regulating the conversion of dietary fibers and mucosal glycan into short chain fatty acids which can further act as a source of energy for the colonic epithelial cells to increase gut integrity and regulating the metabolism of bile salts which when coupled with hepatic enzymes can cause accumulation. Additionally, it has been suggested that interactions with ‘xenobiotic’ control gene expression. Some bacteria have been identified to secrete various antimicrobial peptides have a mucosal IgA antibody. Additionally it is hypothesized that the presence of these micro biomes in the body during infancy may influence the likelihood of developing diseases like asthma, food sensitivity, and syndrome, among others. Natural products with different molecular backgrounds form the basis for the discovery of new drugs. Natural products exhibit excellent properties such as extraordinary chemical diversity, chemical and biological properties with macromolecular specificity, and low toxicity. This makes them a preferred precursor in the discovery of new drugs. In addition, computational studies have helped to anticipate molecular drug interactions and develop next-generation drug inventions such as target drug discovery and drug delivery. The creation of therapies molecules such as proteins will probably be a component of synthetic microbial treatment systems in the future. Although it will be much more difficult to produce and deliver small molecules currently used as antibiotics.

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